![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
- Russia, Moscow
- Email: bxyura@gmail.com
- Github: yourunb
- Discord: yourunb
- Linkedin: Yury Butskevich
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
- Web-development: TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Docker, Prisma, Python, Webpack, Vite, Tailwind, Bootstrap, MUI, CSS/SCSS(SASS), HTML5, REST, WebSocket, GraphQL, FireBase, AJAX, Fetch, Postman, Jest, Vitest, Prettier, esLint, Husky, Airbnb, JSX, API, SVG, Canvas, MVC, SPA
- Frameworks and libraries: React, Next, jQuery, Redux, RTK Query
- Version control: Git, Github, Gitlab
- Project management: Linear, Jira, Trello
- Graphics: Figma, PerfectPixel, Photoshop, CorelDRAW
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
- RS School: React / Next. Stage 3
- RS School: JavaScript / Front-end. Stage 2
- RS School: JavaScript / Front-end. Stage 1
- RS School: JavaScript / Front-end. Pre-School
- IT Academy: Web application development using React
- IT Academy: Web application development with JavaScript
- IT Academy: Website development with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
- VK Education: Algorithms and Data Structures
- VK Education: Python
- VK Education: Information Security Basics
- VK Education: Product Management
- FreeCodeCamp: Responsive Web Design
- FreeCodeCamp: Data Visualization
- FreeCodeCamp: JS Algorithms and Data Structures
- Stepik: Python for beginners
- Microsoft: Build JavaScript applications using TypeScript
- Amazon Web Services: Getting Started with Cloud Acquisition
- Mr. English: Pre-Intermediate
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
- Graph/Rest Client Next App
- Disney Characters React App
- Learn English - Puzzle Game
- Final Space React App
- Nonograms-Game
- Free To Play
- Coffee House
- Rick and Morty React App
- Hangman Game
- Image Gallery
- Kapibara Lab
- Memory Game
- Residential Complex
- Kids Store
- Brooklyn Public Library
- Rick and Morty
- Scientific Company
- Company Projects
- Real Estate
- Audio Player
- Wheather Plugin
- Ping Pong on Canvas
- Stretch Сeilings
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
Frontend developer with 2 years of commercial development experience. Additionally, there was 1 year of experience in developing and maintaining an employer’s website. I am well versed in TS, JS, React, Next. While writing the Stage 2 final project at RS School, I had the learning experience of working as a team-lead (a team of 3 people) to develop an online store using the Commerce Tools API. I constantly study and improve my knowledge of creating interactive and modern web applications.
When developing applications, I actively use React, Next, Redux, RTK Query, REST API (I also had experience writing a chat using the WebSocket protocol). To test applications, I write Jest and Vitest tests with code coverage of more than 80%. I work with the Git version control system.
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
- LLC "Vremena Goda" - Full-stack developer (2024 - in progress)
- RS School - Student Front-end developer (2023 - 2025)
- IT Academy - Student Front-end developer (2023 - 2024)
- Beltelecom - Telecommunication Engineer (2013 - 2023)
- School - Software Engineer - Website creation and support (2015 - 2016)
- Belpochta - Сomputer Operator (2011 - 2012)
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
Lomonosov Moscow State University: Programming and databases (in progress)
University "Synergy": Software development. Internet and cloud technologies - Master's degree
Modern Humanitarian Academy: Computer science and engineering - Bachelor's degree
College of Business and Law: Software development - Associate's degree
![move block icon-move](assets/img/icon-move.png)
А2 - Pre-intermidiate